Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nightmare, Photograph 1

This image is of my body pillow. I have photographed it wrapped between the steel posts of my bed frame to create a position flaunting vulnerability. I use a body pillow because is creates a sense of security and in positioning it like this, the scene portrays an unsettling, traumatic mood. I have used light and shadow, colour and position to enhance this feeling.

I took this image in a dreary; lamp induced light to give an eerie feeling to the scene and later edited it in Photoshop to enhance this. I have used strong shadow in the background of this image to create a dramatic scene and made it slightly less dark on one side to represent the strength of the personality of the pillow fighting for freedom. The colours in the photograph are very faded which is indicating how drained the “pillow” must be, as it is imprisoned. This image, through visual language, flaunts feelings of imprisonment, trauma, struggle, vulnerability and rape of control.

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