Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chuck Close

After closely looking at this image I can make assumptions about the personality and life of this man. I think this man would be one that enjoys the simple things in like; music, food, sleeping. I can imagine him sitting outside a cafe, drinking espresso, reading over a film script and smoking. I think this man would be in his late 20's or early 30's but looks older due to a hardcore rock n' roll lifestyle. I assume his nights consist of loud music, alcohol and drugs. I could imagine him with a unique, sexy, european name that doesn't really suit him. I believe he would have a very vivid imagination and an eye for film making. I don't think he would be married as he seems too spontaneous and up in the clouds to settle down. I could imagine him being a film director with a very creative perspective on things, spending his time writing scripts and listening to indie music. I think he would dream about flying and worlds lacking gravity.

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