Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Anarchy, Photograph 2

This is a photograph of my body pillow. This image has been digitally enhanced in various ways through Photoshop. I have used various visual techniques to create a certain mood through this image. The main mood I have focused on it “control”. I have done this through colour, camera angle and personification.

In the image the pillow appears to have life like qualities as the top of it replicates a mouth. The pillow seems to be squirming desperately as if it has lost something. The colours are quite contrasting, thus creating a strong focal point. The background is black and white with protruding shadow, whilst the pillow character is a vibrant, pink/red. This colour is very powerful and gives the impression that it has an important duty and the way it has been folded/bended through the bars of my bed implies that this importance it being confiscated. The colour also implies this as the red colour has faded slightly to a red/pink. This character is being drained of its authority.

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