Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Artist Statement, Term 3 - Emergence BOW

Why do we, as human beings, expect nature around us to adapt to our ‘convenient’ lifestyle for nothing in return?

No matter how hard we try to repress, control or direct the life on this earth – it will always emerge. From the first organism invisible to the naked eye, to human beings, the one necessity we share for life is breath. We cannot control the natural world, nor can we develop a complete, logical explanation for where we came from. We can live our lives creating an artificial lifestyle, whilst subconsciously ignoring our deep connections to the earth, but we can never truly repress it. The natural world around us explores a multitude of phenomena completely underestimated by the human race. We become blinded by our own desperate search for individual significance, whilst the most significant things on earth are surrounding us. My body of work presents the idea that we are only small creatures on the land we live and no matter how much we try and construct life to what we see as convenient, it will always emerge from within… after all, life is irrepressible.

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