Monday, November 8, 2010

Another Idea

I have began looking deeper into the idea that people and animals are really on the earth for the same reason. Our lives are driven by our sexuality whether we realise it or not. In looking at this my images have transformed from a Lucid Dreaming concept to take on the idea of Hybrids as well. I have created a triptych conveying this idea, the images are closeups of the human body in vulnerable position, flaunting the purity of the skin through the movement of the body. I have then over-layed these images with a leopard print/snakeskin texture enhancing the Hybrid effect. This is where my work has gone...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Peacock Dress

I think this dress speaks exactly what i am studying. The sexuality of animals and how they have to be someone their not to be accepted sexually. This outfit is a work of art all by itself. It is a wedding dress which is implying that this woman is preparing herself for love and mate ship. The male Peacock shows it's beauty through its feathers to attract a mate. If he cannot present these to a female, he will not be accepted. This dress is creating a link between humans and the animal kingdom... we really aren't that different.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Path

I have began looking deeper into the idea and psychology of the mask. I have started to play around with this idea in placing more masquerade masks on top of the images. In doing this I have also started looking deeper into the philosophy of birds. My focus is on the Anima and Animus and more particularly the front that people put forward to the world. An act or a character that isn't the real you. I have started by focusing on the Peacock as the male is acquired to fluff up their feathers to attract a female. It isn't the real them, but it is the only way they are accepted.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lucid Dreaming

A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that she or he is dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, she or he can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

A dream state in which one is conscious enough to recognize that one is in the dream state and is then able to control dream events.

The phenomenon of being conscious and aware that one is dreaming, while one is in the process of dreaming.

A form of dreaming in which the conscious mind takes control over the contents of the dream

Tom Chambers

Tom Chambers has inspired me a lot. I love the lighting and colours in his images. His use of real landscapes with surreal situations is exactly the kind of thing that I love.

Greg Crewdson

Greg Crewdson focuses on the imperfections of a 1950's "Perfect Home". He visually discusses the secrets hidden in the walls and rumours brushed under the carpet. He unravels the secrets through camera angle, lighting and his very stage-like scenes.

Anima and Animus

Two final aspects of personality remain for consideration in regard to midlife development.

Jung postulates that each individual has both masculine and feminine components of the psyche. For a male the feminine component is the anima, and for a female it is the animus. Part and parcel of human biological and psychological development is this mixture of masculine and feminine energies.

These energies are theoretical constructs or concepts, which are useful for explanation but are not identical with gender. The separation of these concepts from gender is very difficult to maintain in the English language because of the similarity of words. Masculine energy and male and feminine energy and female seem to be the same but are not. The concepts may be better understood if viewed from a different context.

In Eastern cultures the Tao symbol with it’s Yin and Yang energies is expressive of the same idea. The Tao symbol, consisting of a circle divided in two equal portions each containing an element of the other, indicates that all of creation is composed of two energies held in harmony and interaction.

The Yang energy is masculine in nature and is described as light, dry, directed, focused, logical, and action oriented. Yin energy is feminine and described as dark, moist, diffuse, vague, intuitive, and receptive. In regard to psychological functioning, men are predominately yang but contain a yin aspect. Women, while predominately yin, contain an element of yang. Thus human beings are psychologicallyandrogynous with latent inner masculine and feminine energies awaiting development. In the first half of life a differentiation of the primary sexual identity and corresponding energy takes place but in later life a call to integrate the opposite energy, the anima or the animus, arises. This is a move towards wholeness.

At the most basic and simplistic level what happens is that men begin to develop their capacity for relationship and must come to terms with emotions, vulnerability, and needs while women begin to become more decision and action oriented and in the process claim their independence, courage, power and wisdom. At midlife women are called to decide and do while men are called to nurture.

This is process is seen in what Gail Sheehy in her book, Passages, refers to as the "switch forties". This is the time in midlife when men in the roles of husband and father begin a return to the values of home and family. They are drained from their years in the work world. At the same time that women as wives and mothers whose children are leaving home begin to experience a pull to the world of work. A switching of roles is taking place but may not be recognized as such.

A woman who has been in the care-taking role begins to want to establish her own independence through action and accomplishments. An impetus is provided to seeking employment, education, or career. At the same time a man had often has enough of work and career. He recognizes the stifling effect on his personal development. He now needs to open himself to relationships and emotions, but when he does, he finds no one at home. The children are now increasingly independent and on their way out of the family by way of work or college. His wife who may have eagerly sought his companionship when he was "too busy" now is after a business of her own. The potential for significant relationship conflict arises as these two people are crossing paths on different trajectories. They are moving towards the earlier interests of the other. Each person is in the process of integrating the opposite masculine or feminine energy. Men must incorporate the inner feminine with its call for relatedness while women must respond to the inner masculine and the need for action.

The anima and animus can influence a person in either a positive or negative manner. If a man is under the influence of the positive anima he will show tenderness, patience, consideration, and compassion. The negative anima manifests as vanity, moodiness, bitchiness, and sensitivity to hurt feelings. A woman with a positive animus shows assertiveness, control, thoughtful rationality, and compassionate strength. The negative animus reveals in strong opinions, ruthlessness, destructive forces, and "always the last word". Both men and women are on the path to their own integration and must struggle with the interpersonal ramifications of the anima and the animus.








Friday, August 13, 2010

The Three Graces

This image was just another photoshop practice.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Practise Photoshop

Petrina Hicks

Inspired Bill Henson

I have been thinking about my final piece and i have been inspired by Bill Henson. I want to create a photographic series of disturbing, eerie, morbid images focusing on the development of spirituality and sexuality of an adolescent. I want all the images to contain a male model in women's lingerie with a white mask on. I would like to experiment with nature settings... maybe have him floating in murky water holding the floating mask. I really want to explore the character of people while they find who they are. The things they choose to hide from the world and the things they throw out there.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

just imagine.

This is a photoshopped image that i created to represent myself.

Olive Cotton

Olive Cotton works with a fascination of landscape and the Australian bush. She successfully captures the purity and beauty of the land.

Ansel Adams

Bill Henson

Fashion; Art

I think fashion is a way of expressing yourself creatively. Alternative fashion is a good example of this. After looking deeper into my personality profile and the way I present my external self I have become really interested in investigating the clothes I wear. My favorite items, why I was drawn to them, the colours, the textures, and the way I want others to perceive me.

Michael Zavros

Appropriation: Art Making?

In the visual arts, to appropriate means to adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects of man-made visual culture.
I think this process is a valid form of art making because it isn't just copying, it is creating an alternative meaning and using objects or images to convey a point. The process has a subject matter and can be altered in various ways therefor making it art. It is all about speaking through visual language. As long as the appropriating artist isn't claiming the image to be an original or their own than they can usually dodge copyright claims.

Jeff Koon

Cindy Sherman

In her photographs each one creates a character and she makes this obvious, but the way you interpret it is left up to you.

In Cindy's recent works a lot of them focus of sex dolls that are demonstrating erotic poses.

Chuck Close

After closely looking at this image I can make assumptions about the personality and life of this man. I think this man would be one that enjoys the simple things in like; music, food, sleeping. I can imagine him sitting outside a cafe, drinking espresso, reading over a film script and smoking. I think this man would be in his late 20's or early 30's but looks older due to a hardcore rock n' roll lifestyle. I assume his nights consist of loud music, alcohol and drugs. I could imagine him with a unique, sexy, european name that doesn't really suit him. I believe he would have a very vivid imagination and an eye for film making. I don't think he would be married as he seems too spontaneous and up in the clouds to settle down. I could imagine him being a film director with a very creative perspective on things, spending his time writing scripts and listening to indie music. I think he would dream about flying and worlds lacking gravity.

Imagine Another Life

One of my favourite things to do on a raining winters day it to curl up in bed and read. To imagine anything I ever wanted to and believe the most amazing things. I mostly read fantasy or science fiction novels because I love reading delicate descriptions of these fantasy creatures and surreal worlds. I often imagine myself in another world during boring days. I image what it would be like to ride a magical dragon over a sea protruding with castle tops and what it would be like to go home to a family on centaurs.

Nightwish - Meadows of Heaven

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ramble On - Led Zeppelin

Evanescence - My Immortal


I love alternative fashion. I think it's all about colours and textures. I love to wear velvet and lace. I think fashion is about showing who you are through what you wear. I love leopard print and Dr. Martens. I love detailed lace corsets and layering.

Rock n' Roll

When I think of music I think of shredding guitars, insane drum solos and vocals that give you goosebumps. I listen to a variety of genres of music but when I turn of my Ipod I go straight to either heavy metal or rock n' roll. I grew up to the sound of 80's rock n' roll... Bands like: Kizz, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin and Bruce Springsteen. This influenced me a lot and these bands are some of my favourites today. Although I still go back to these regularly, I am more of a metal head now that I have grown up...
My favourite band is Parkway Drive, and to me this is music.


Parkway Drive Live
Led Zeppelin Live

Monday, July 26, 2010

Popular Culture

Popular Culture to me is a bit like fads. It's what is all over MTV and what everyone is talking about. I'm not a big fan of popular culture because I think a lot of the time it's not what everyone likes, they just like it because of what it is. Today I would list examples of things like Lady Gaga, The Twilight Saga and Russell Brand as popular culture... It also includes things like fashion and hobbies. Things that people talk about and do on the weekends. I think popular culture is heavily influenced by these icons as shown below. People do things that they see them doing, or see them eating or wearing. Popular culture to me is strongly shaped by the media, from the controversial film clip on MTV to the next teen vampire heart-throb.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Favourite Colour